When the man of highest competency hears of the Tao, he diligently practices it. When the man of average competency hears of the Tao,he half believes it. When the man of low competency hears of the Tao, he laughs loudly at it .If he didn’t laugh ,it would not qualify to be the Tao.
上士:高明之士。中士:中等人。下士:最差-等的人。 老子这里把士分为上、中、下三等,指其理解能力高下和各自“闻道”后的态度。勤:积极努力。若存若亡(wu):若有若无。亡,同“无”。大笑之:大,用如意动词,认为“道”迁阔而不切合实际。笑,嘲笑。