The greatest square has no corners; the greatest vessel takes the longest to finish; the greatest sound is faint; the greatest form looks formless. The Tao is hidden and name- less ,yet it is only the Tao that supports all beings and brings them to fulfillment.
隅(yu):角。大器晚成:大器物总是最后完成。成语“大器晚成”出于此。。器,指才干。成,成就。指能担当大事的人要经过长期的锻炼,所以成就较晚。希: 无声。《老子》第14章:“听之不闻日希。” 大象:王弼注日:“大象, 天象之母 也。” 本指世间一切事物的本原。后也借指封建帝王的一统天下。 道隐无名:道,无形无声。隐,无形,看不见。无名,不可名状。贷:施予,帮助。