


The Tao gives birth to the unified thing ( One) ,the One splits itself into two opposite aspects ( Two),the Two gives birth to another ( Three ),the newborn Three produces the myriad things. The myriad things have Yin and Yang within themselves as opposing forces. Yin and Yang interact and are unified into harmony in Qi ( vital energy).


一:某一种事物。《老子》本章中的“一”、“二”、“三历来解释分歧很大。一,指道;二,指阴阳二气;三,指阴阳二气互相作用而成的和气。<易.系辞》则 称一为“太极”,二为“两仪” (天地)“天地合而生和,二生三也。和气合而生物,三生万物也。”负阴而抱阳:包含着阴和阳两个对立面。“负”和“抱”都是包含的意思。冲气:阴阳二气相互激荡。




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